Register with our frequent traveller program and get every third trip for Free

If you travel with the ferry more than seven trips a year we recommend that you register your mobile phone number with us. If you allow it, we will send you information if there are any delay or any other disruptions in the serrvice.

When registered, you will also get dsicount when travelling with the ferry:

  • Lettmatros / Ordinary Seaman (approx. 10% discount) - get every 8th trip for free.

  • Matros / Able Seaman (appprox 15% discount) - when you have reach NOK 4.000,- in a year you qualify for Able Seaman and get every 6th trip for free

  • Styrmann / Offiser ( approx 30% discount) - after you have reached 8.000,-in a year, you are qualified to be an officer and get every third trip for free.

To register, scan the QR code on the pier or on board the ferry, and follow the instructions. Or, give your mobile phone number  to the ticket officer on board, ad you will get an SMS with further instructions.